Advertise with Long Island Coupon™

Advertisements come in two categories, text and image/banner. Just select the type of ad (and size, if an image), and tell us which sites in the NoCoupon Network you want your ad to appear on.

Below, you will find examples of our signature animated banner advertisements along with animated tower ads available in several sizes which can be linked to your website or a display ad with embedded link to you site (displayed at top right) with text ad sample displayed below it.

468 x 60 Ad Example
468x60 Ad Example

160 x 90 Ad Example
160x90 Ad Example
165 x 52 Ad Example
165x52 Ad Example
234 x 60 Ad Example
234x60 Ad Example

Put the Power of the Network Behind your Business™

To get started, just send us an e-mail at or give us a call at 516 422-2182.

Below, you will find links to all the sites in the NoCoupon Network.

Select from the sites below where you want to display your advertisement.


Opportunities for outside investors do arise (in certain states), and we are happy to discuss current projects with qualified investors. If you would like to discuss investment opportunities with us, please begin by sending an email to investments, or phone 516 422-2182.


United States

States (U.S.)


States (Mexico)


Note to Users: If you are unable to view a particular offer after you click on the animation with your mouse, or if you have problems printing, or coupons are printing only partially (i.e. missing validation or other information), then we have determined that this is due to settings in various pop-up blockers and also the fact that our advertisers have links to their websites within their display. This is simply remedied by turning off your pop-up blocker and that will allow you to print, display and utilize all site features trouble free. Should you require additional assistance, simply contact us via email or phone
516 422-2182.

Thank you for using Long Island Coupon™

Long Island Website Design
Online Marketing Solutions For Any Size Company

Advertise on this site
Create Your Own Text Ad or we can Create a Custom Ad For You.